For your mind

Intro to Ayurveda Workshop

Learn the Yogic Principles of Ayurveda with Indu Arora. and the Ayurvedic Principles of Yoga Practice Ayurveda and Yoga are the inseparable duo. It is Ayurveda that gives clear context to the content that is Yoga. Basic Ayurvedic knowledge is essential and nonnegotiable for any yoga practitioner, instructor, teacher or therapist.

5 Vital Insights into Yoga Nidra

Are you truly practicing Yoga Nidra? Here’s what you need to know

Prana Decoded

Listen to my conversation with Arundhati on prana - for today's yoga teacher & student.

Guidance for Mudra Practice

Three Guidelines to Observe

Mudras Masterclass - Everything You Need to Know with Indu

We delve into the concept of namaste as a mudra and explore mudras that extend beyond the hands.

New to the idea of mudras? How they can explore it further?

Wisdom Mudra Deconstructed

Gyana/Jnana Mudra is a gestural representation of Yoga. It also represents the highest state of discernment and therefore, is called wisdom seal.

Surina Hasta Mudra – Bring on the Zzz!

We have all had those moments after an energizing evening, during times of transition, and for reasons we can’t even identify—times when we’re ready to sleep but sleep just won’t come.

Bringing Clarity to the Chakras Like Never Before

What we have misunderstood about chakras in modern yoga? Do we “work” on our chakras? How do we know if they’re weak? Does the order of the chakras matter?


Practice with me:

Seven Ways to Meditate Right

Meditation, is not simply an act of relaxation, a practice of gathering experiences, or a post of absolute stillness. So...what is it? How can one tell the difference?

Why Study Chakras?_Indu Arora

Why Study Chakras?

Awareness of the subtle, intangible, and all-pervading is what allows a practitioner to reach deeper states of consciousness. With each moment that we strengthen our practice with concentration on the chakras, we are that much closer to the state of Yoga.

The Six Virtues of a Student

As a Yoga student. do you remember your first yoga training, retreat, class— the enthusiasm, dedication, the desire, and eagerness to know it all? Did you also feel it fading away, taken over by the overwhelm of the vast body of knowledge, the confusion over techniques, and comparison with what others are doing, teaching, learning etc.? Did you ever find yourself in doubt or feel imposter syndrome kicking in when it was time to teach?

All About Shavasana

Shavasana (śavāsana) is the final resting pose of almost every yoga practice but how much do we really know about and understand it? We may think of it as being a pose of resting or relaxation to cool off after a vigorous asana practice but it is much more than that. In conversation with Shannon Crow

Want to know more about Yoga Nidra? Join me Yoga Nidra Training, Starting February 6, 2025.

✅ CEU's from Yoga Alliance and IAYT

✅ Attend Livestream/Watch Replay

✅ Apply for Partial Scholarships and Installment Payment

✅ 50% off for Repeat Participants and Indian Residents

​Does rest debt need to be resolved before practicing Yoga Nidra?

Just as it’s difficult to appreciate a 5-star Michelin restaurant meal if one hasn’t eaten for days (and the body is just desperate for any nourishment), Yoga Nidra is best practiced when one has fortified the body with the physical/mental rest it needs prior to a Yoga Nidra practice.

SOMA - 100 Heritage Recipes for Self-Care - Hard copy - Look Inside

Click here for sweet taste of SOMA, my hot-off-the presses book! I welcome you to explore this excerpt, a peek inside my world and inside this lovingly created collection of heritage recipes for your body, mind, and spirit. I hope you enjoy reading it (and living it) as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you.

Get the book here

Latte Asana with a dash of Mantra Masala!_Indu Arora

Latte Asana with a dash of Mantra Masala!

Yoga and Ayurveda are becoming a weird mix — like Turmeric Latte Asana. There is a lack of integration, a ton of dilution, a good amount of appropriation, and plenty of misunderstandings.

Let us NOT call it Mala Beads_Indu Arora

Let us NOT call it Mala Beads

I see a lot of misunderstandings and ignorance around the Japa Mala.

Why Yoga Nidra Is Not About Sleep - Discussion with Arundhati B.

All things Yoga Nidra. A discussion with Arundhati Baitmangalkar on Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra and the Macrocosmic Body_Indu Arora

Yoga Nidra and the Macrocosmic Body - Discussion with J Brown

Listen to my discussion with J Brown on the traditions I grew up with and when formal studies took hold, being curious about the origins of yoga and respectful of the cultures that have heralded it into the world, sun salutations and utilizing sanskrit words to understand root ideas, distinguishing between yoga nidra and meditation, going from 'external thrill to internal still,' making nature your guru, and the co-creation of knowledge to empower

Important announcement

Once upon a time... The Story of Yoga Nidra_Indu Arora

Once upon a time... The Story of Yoga Nidra

Eventually, the Goddess Yoga Nidra (Devi) left from the eyes of Vishnu upon being extolled by Brahma...

True or False_Indu Arora

True or False of Sleep, Ojas and Shavasana

Sleep, Ojas, and Shavasana

Savasana—Ahhh... or Argh!?_Indu Arora

Savasana—Ahhh... or Argh!?

Debunking the Top 3 Myths of Shavasana

3 Power Tips for Rest_Indu Arora

3 Power Tips for Rest

Stop being Busy: Prioritize, Prescribe and Practice Rest!

The Wisdom of Hamsa / Sohum_Indu Arora

The Wisdom of Hamsa / Sohum

Did you know that the sacred swan (known as hamsa in Sanskrit) is the ride of Devi Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom? Every year, 40 days before the arrival of spring on the 5th day (panchami) after the new moon marks the day of festivities in anticipation of Spring (Basant).

The Gift of the Gunas_Indu Arora

​The Gift of the Gunas

Look around you right now, wherever you are. What do you see? Your laptop? Your furry co-worker asking for a head scratch? Or maybe you’re outside: you see some trees, their leaves gently whispering in the wind, a cool lake with the mist lingering just above the surface, a red-tailed hawk calling out as it glides above the treetops… What do all these things have in common?

Indu Arora_Here are my 10 tips - attending a yoga training online

Here are my 10 tips - attending a yoga training online

Every study and deep dive requires us to create space and honor certain rules - or as we know them in Yoga, yamas and niyamas. If you ever attended a Yoga training online you will appreciate these tips.

New Year New Choices_Indu Arora

New Year, New Choices

It’s the perfect time for an annual review — of your self-care.

Deconstructing Yoga Nidra_Indu Arora

Deconstructing Yoga Nidra​

When we say “Yoga Nidra,” what is the meaning of the word, “Nidra?” “Sleep?” But it is incomplete if I just say that Nidra= sleep. There is so much more to it and we may be missing the point. There is also a prefix to this and that is “Yoga.” ...

Deconstructing Chakra Names_Indu Arora

The Wheels Keep Turning: Deconstructing Chakra Names

The goal of this blog post is to give you, the reader, a starting point for building the foundation of your understanding of chakras.

Make bigger goals in Yoga

Who cares if you can touch your toes or stand on your hands?

Can you sit still and be touched by waves of bliss?

Make bigger goals in Yoga.

Yoga and Ayurveda_Indu Arora

Yoga and Ayurveda

How much Ayurveda does a Yogi need to know? Conversely, how much Yoga does an Ayurveda person need to know? Consider this…from which eye do you prefer to see?

Mulabandha_Indu Arora


Is mulabandha all about contraction? Is it only about the physical level?

Indu Arora_Yoga_Ancient Heritage Tomorrows Vision book

Look inside here

A reference book, a training manual, and a benevolent friend for your everyday practice.

Order here

NavaRasa_Indu Arora

Yoga of Emotions - NavaRasa

Does the psychology of cultivating the opposite help?

Let us not aim for extremes, like hate to love, panic to absolute peace, fear to courage.

Yoga book and Idam na mama_Indu Arora

Yoga book and Idam na mama

Self-publishing a book is a complex process, takes a team and lot of patience. And this latter is the biggest test...

Om Namah Shivaya Mantra_Indu Arora

Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

Listen to the awakening chants of "Om Namaha Shivaya" in Indu Arora's voice. Read about the importance and special practices to celebrate Maha Shiva Ratri here.

STUDY: Join the ALL ABOUT AUM, 3 Class Series. Begins March 2025. Details here

Indu Arora_Q and A Week 8 2

Q and A of the week - No.8

There is a difference between doing the practice and living it...

Indu Arora_Free Yoga Nidra Workshop

Free workshop on Yoga Nidra

Learn how to bring the practice of Yoga Nidra into your teachings in this free workshop

How to Lead a Yoga Class_Indu Arora

​10 +1 suggestions on how to lead a Yoga class

Let Yoga be. It is not meant to be picture perfect. Every asana is not an opportunity to look perfect.

Q and A Week 5_Indu Arora

Q and A of the week - No.5

Missing link in the modern practice or understanding of Yoga?

How to use a mala_Indu Arora

How to use a mala?

You might be wondering if mala is just a piece of jewellery... or is there more to it?

Why Yoga Nidra_Indu Arora

Why Yoga Nidra?

Common queries related to the study of Yoga Nidra

Q and A Week 2_Indu Arora

Q and A of the week - No.2

Query on suppression, discernment and worry

Yoga and BODMAS_Indu Arora

Yoga and BODMAS

Rishis and mathematician have more in common than you thought!

Read more about how to apply BODMAS to achieve and live a more yogic life.

Shanti_Indu Arora

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Have you ever wondered why do we chant Shanti/ Om 3 times? and Why does it matter?

What is yoga_Indu Arora

What is Yoga?

The meaning of the same word changes with time, experiences, readiness and karmas...

Sukshma Vidyas_Indu Arora

Sukshma Vidyas in Yoga

What are the practices that lead to deeper states of mind, to higher states of consciousness?

These practices are the heart of Yoga and lead us to the state of Yoga itself.

Application of Yoga_Indu Arora

3 steps in application of Yoga

Q: I am very well aware of the power of Mantras and Mudras in Yoga but somehow I do not feel confident in using them as tools in the classes I lead or in Yoga as Therapy. What should I do?

Response: Nothing. Simply wait! Breath is the mantra and awareness is the Mudra + More...

Yoga Student Training_Indu Arora

Yoga Student Training?

Yoga is life long journey, it is not based on accumulation of hours through teacher training programs. Yes, it can be a profession but not merely because you passed a training program but because you are dedicated to investing the time, energy, emotions and courage that is needed to walk the path of Yoga!

Physical Adjustment in Yoga_Indu Arora

Physical adjustment in Yoga

We are so used to transferring responsibility to others. Doctors for treatment, healers for healing, psychologists for mental health, spiritual growth to Gurus etc that we forget that our growth depends on just one person: us. Let the correction come from within.

Indu Arora_Tanmatra Mantra and Marma Chikitsa

Tanmatra, Mantra and Marma Chikitsa with Yogis Glow

The cellular intelligence (agni) of a specific organ/region/part of the body can be awakened by infusing the marma region with a paste of the specific ingredients. This helps in balancing the dosha, gunas and agni. Marma points are the bridge between the physical and the subtle body + read more

Bandhas_Indu Arora


Most of the people who come for one to one Yoga classes are looking for benefits to the physical and mental body and may not have real craving/appetite to understand the philosophy yet. Why does this matter? When they practice mula-bandha without knowing what it really is, it creates an illusion of doing an advanced practice.

Chakras_Indu Arora

Chakras- Are We Spinning the Wheels?

Chakras are not fancy or mystical, they are facts. We simply need to sharpen our instruments with which we perceive them.

As human beings, we have always been mesmerized and attracted by mystical concepts and experiences. This is where we are mistaken about Chkaras. What is mystical to us with our limited readiness, preparation and even more limited experiences is real to the Yogis/Yoginis.

Mooladhara Chakra Meditation_Indu Arora

Mooladhara Chakra Meditation

Mooladhara Chakra dharana: 10 minute meditation

Read more about chakras and Mooladhara Chakra here


Practice with me:

Listen to this podcast:

Bringing Clarity to Chakras Like Never Before on Let's Talk Yoga Podcast. Here

Is Kapalabhatti a Pranayama?

There are at the least 7 main differences between Kapalabhatti and Bhastrika in Yoga. Any manipulation of breath is often mis understood as a breathing technique. We often translate breathing techniques as pranayama. This is the beginning of confusion and spread of misinterpreted versions of practice.

Prana-ayama_Indu Arora

Breath-Ayama or Prana-Ayama

Commonly, pranayama is considered manipulation, stretching, holding of breath or maybe the name of some techniques like anulom viloma, bhastrika, ujjayi etc. The techniques are simply to remove the friction at the various points of entry of the prana into the body.These techniques itself are not pranayama, their consequence is and could be...

Chakra Dharana_Indu Arora

Chakra dharana demystified

Chakras are not fancy or interesting or mystical, they are facts.

Podcast_Indu Arora

Wake up to yourself!

A podcast on Mind, Body, Life and more!

Interviewed with Daniel Johnson a holistic psychiatrist and the creator of Anecdotal Evidence podcast. We had the chance to talk about mind, body, and how to approach our life with an organizational framework of understanding.

Start your FREE subscription to Indu Arora's newsletter to get more on Yoga and Ayurveda here

Mudra for Healing, Rejuvenation, and Transformation

The simple tool of Mudra can help us to improve our health, strengthen our energy, and deepen our spiritual practice.

(The Yoga Hour, Interview)

Indu on Mudra: The Sacred Secret

Awaken your potentials with mudras!

Indu Arora talks about her book on Mudras.

Indu Arora_Mudra The Sacred Secret

Mudra: The Sacred Secret

Look Inside!

" far, the most complete, practical, and authentic work on mudras..."

Order here

Meditation in the cave of the HEART

"If Light Is In Your Heart, You Will Find Your Way Home" (Rumi)

Indu Arora_Intro to Ayurveda

Intro to Ayurveda

Indu Arora talks about the basics of Ayurveda, India's traditional system of medicine.

A Van Howe Enterprises, LTD production.
Directed by Matthew J Van Howe and Angel M Van Howe