Indu Arora_Physical Adjustment in Yoga

For your mind

Physical adjustment in Yoga

2 minutes

Query: Why do you suggest that physical adjustments should be the last option in leading Yoga asanas, use verbal cues?

Whose responsibility is it to grow?

We are so used to transferring responsibility to others.. Doctors for treatment, healers for healing, psychologists for mental health, spiritual growth to Gurus etc that we forget that our growth depends on just one person: us. Let each one be responsible for their actions and growth. Let the correction come from within.

Express clearly

It takes away the growth of the teacher/instructor. May be the verbal cues need more clarity and precision. Don't fill up that gap with physically reaching out.

Honor the capacity

It takes a long time to understand what is our own capacity and how much we are ready and with physical adjustment we are trying to estimate the physical, mental, pranic and emotional capacity of the other person. It requires a lot of experience and wisdom to estimate that the other person can do more or should do less.

Confusion or clarity

Touch between student and teacher has created more confusions then clarity over times.

Power in words

Do not underestimate the power of words, vibrations and intentions. What cannot be communicated through actions can still be communicated with speech and silence. Rest in that knowing.

Take your time

Honor the time it takes for a bud to become a flower, we cannot fast forward it. Patience is the key. Give chance for self discovery and self realization.

Experience matters

The more clear the instructor is in his/her mind what he/she wants to communicate, the more clear will be their intention, sound vibrations and speech .

I am not underestimating or denying the power of touch but physical adjustments are becoming the focus of practice. The focus should always be the "Self". I am still a student and can only answer with my limited capacity and knowing. So please excuse me for what I do not know yet.


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