For your mind

Intro to Ayurveda Workshop

Learn the Yogic Principles of Ayurveda with Indu Arora. and the Ayurvedic Principles of Yoga Practice Ayurveda and Yoga are the inseparable duo. It is Ayurveda that gives clear context to the content that is Yoga. Basic Ayurvedic knowledge is essential and nonnegotiable for any yoga practitioner, instructor, teacher or therapist.

5 Vital Insights into Yoga Nidra

Are you truly practicing Yoga Nidra? Here’s what you need to know

Prana Decoded

Listen to my conversation with Arundhati on prana - for today's yoga teacher & student.

More for your mind

For your body

The Glamorization of Asana: What Does Yoga Really Mean?

The glamorization of asana? The real meaning of yoga? The importance of subtle in yoga. Furthering your yoga studies with reliable resources And more!

Biohack Your Sleep: How Shavasana and Ayurvedic Rest Practices Restore Balance

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your daily wellness routine or deepen your understanding of rest, this episode on The Healing Catalyst podcast is packed with insights to help you rejuvenate and restore balance in your life.

Mudras Exposed

More for your body

For your soul

Guided Relaxation

Amidst the chaos, sometimes it is difficult to listen to our own heartbeat, notice the wonder of first rays of sunshine touching our face, or marvel at the continuity of breath. All of this requires slowing down and peace of mind. This relaxation offers us exactly that.

Microdosing on hope

Today, I am looking at the trees outside the window, some that stand bare and some that are still in the process of shedding every single last leaf, to eventually stand bare, dry, and seemingly hopeless, yet tall and ready to spring back in action when it is time.

The Yoga of Hope

Hope is that which cannot be lost, taken away, or destroyed. It must live in the hearts of one and all.

More for your soul