Hope is that which cannot be lost, taken away, or destroyed. It must live in the hearts of one and all. Hope springs eternal, even in the coldest of times. Minneapolis may feel like -22°C these days, but spring is on its way. Just like this frigid weather, all unpleasant experiences are temporary.
Basant Panchami: A Celebration of Hope
Basant Panchami, celebrated 40 days before spring, is a beacon of hope. It’s a day awash in yellow – clothes, food, and flowers. Yellow symbolizes wisdom, blooming mustard fields, and a student’s mindset. This festival marks the changing seasons and brings promises of: Blooming flowers, Sprouting seeds, Children playing outside, and Waves of happiness and warmth. Mark your calendars for February 2nd.
Spiritual Significance
Basant Panchami, also known as Sri Panchami, honors Devi Saraswati – the embodiment of wisdom, knowledge, and arts. read more about Devi Saraswati here.
Celebrate hope every day but especially on February 2nd, the Basant Panchami day, by:
- Wearing yellow clothes
- Worshipping sacred texts and musical instruments
- Preparing foods seasoned with saffron and turmeric
- Decorating your altar/practice space with yellow flowers
Four Practices to embrace every day to renew hope:
- Mantra: Recite or listen to the Gayatri Mantra, connecting with innate wisdom.
- Swadhyaya: Read and contemplate a sutra from Yoga, Tantra, or Ayurveda every day. Just one is enough!
- Pranayama: Practice Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing). Visualize the three main nadis (Ida, Pingala, and Sushmna) as Saraswati’s Veena strings and your spine as Veena. More
- Strengthen your commitment to study: Check out our upcoming programs
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