For your body

Mudras Exposed

2 minutes 10/14/24

These Asanas are Mudras

Commonly known as asanas, these poses are actually mudra kriyas. They mimic a certain process, not a pose:

Viparita Karani is the reversal flow of ambrosia back to its source in Soma Chakra.

Gomukha Asana is the melting of the stagnant energy into streams of prana, encouraging lymph drainage

Vriksha Asana is the process to lift the sap/shakti from the root( Muladhara) into the heart (Anahata) and head (Ajna) regions.

Five places in Yoga where you might not recognize mudras:

  • Shat kriya: The locking of gaze in Trataka is Mudra
  • Asana: The leg position in Garuda, Vriksha, Bahhakona; the neck position in Ardha Matseyandra, Matsya, Setu Bandha; the hand position in Sarvanaga, Gomukha are all mudras.
  • Pranayama: The hand position in Bhramari and Anuloma Viloma is a mudra
  • Pratyahara: Mula, Uddiyana, Jalandhara, Jihva Mahabandha are all internal mudras.
  • Meditation: The internal gaze on breath and chakras are mudras.

Want to learn more about Mudras?

Explore history, philosophy, and technique in Mudra: The Sacred Secret.

Listen to my recent interview on the Let’s Talk Yoga Podcast: Mudras Masterclass—Everything You Need to Know


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