What is Yoga to you? - asked someone today
The meaning of the same word changes with time, experiences, readiness and karmas.
Yoga is state not a work out. If we have to understand the meaning of the word, Yoga comes from the root word, "yuj" which means yoking and union. However this union can be understood in many different ways.
Yoga =
- 1 + 1: When I start to understand that there is me (1) and then there is that (1). We may not have the full realization of the Yoga between the two, but we do have the awareness and that is when Yoga is 1+1
translating to the Vedic verse “So-Hum”
- 1: There are times/moments in life when I see and know there is one-ness beneath all that is. Everything is divine, including the ones I hate, love, like and admire. I am divine too. Those are the time when Yoga = 1 translating to Vedic verse “Yatha pinde, tatha Brahmande” and “Aham Brahma-asmi”
- 1 - 1: Peeling off layers is not easy, especially when we are not even aware that there are so many of them. Yoga does not come easy when I am coated with all the samskaras, vikalpas, tamasik vrittis, vasanas and upadhis. This is the time when the most important realization is that of layers and peeling them one by one. As if we are taking away bits and pieces which do not belong to the real “I”, real “Self”. This is the Yoga of negation, 1 - 1 which translates to the Vedic verse “Naham” which means not this by the process of “Idam na mama” which means this is not mine
- Infinity: The realization that there is neither a beginning and nor an end, It is all cyclic and it is all immeasurable comes when we experience the “Virat” or the ever expanding view of the truth, of collective consciousness. It is present intact in the tiniest of the subatomic particle, something that cannot be broken any further and is yet complete and at the same time it is present in something that can be huge beyond imagination and yet in-divisive. This is Yoga of infinity, where there is no division, no measurement, no beginning and no end. Once there is the realization of this Yoga, everything becomes temporary, unreal, transient and meaningless except for this infinite experience. It translates to the Vedic Verse, “Anadi, Anant, Akhand sat-chit-ananda”
- 0: Nothingness is a concept, philosophy, teaching of many schools of spirituality. It is a beautiful number. It is called “Shunya” in Sanskrit which means fullness of emptiness. Yoga is “0” because once we let go of all the conditions, limited awareness, limited “I”, limited intellect then in that emptiness there is fullness of collective consciousness. This void is union but without the presence of third entity. It is not where 1+1 = 1 or 11 or infinity. It is where 1+ 1 is None. This none is 0. This is the Yoga of shunyata (zero-ness). It translates to Vedic verse “Kham Brahman” where Kham means 0
- None: Neither this not that. Any expression used for defining Yoga is not Yoga. It cannot be confined to the defined boundaries of language. It is beyond any attribute, color, shape, expression, syllable or size. Even saying Yoga is None is saying something. When we come to this realization there is no words required, only silence communicates the truth which translates to Yogic Verse “Yogah Samadhi”
Some pointers for everyday practice that may lead to the state of yoga
- Yoga is not about Siddhis/accomplishments
- Yoga as Sadhana is a personal Journey, Let us not compare it with anything and anyone
- Don't reduce the practice to just "amazing", extract a lesson from each practice and chew upon it until you get it.
- Let the practice radiate through you instead of boasting about your experiences
- Learn from everyone, keep your heart and mind open to all learning but be mindful of your capacity to digest.
- Allow yourself to never reach a state where you cannot learn anymore, yet always be content with where you are. Avoid the sense of fullness but be filled all the time.
- Mind is a powerful tool and potent energy, before you awaken it make sure you know what to do with it.
Signs and symptoms of someone moving towards Yoga and becoming Yoga:
When your consistent practice help you in making clearer choices in every day life - you are being Yoga
When your everyday practice helps you in taking a pause and respond instead of react - you are being Yoga
When you talk less about what you do but continue to do your Dharma irrespective of the results - you are being Yoga
When you continue to respect your roots and the eternal lineage of love, wisdom and Yogins - you are being Yoga
When what you say, what you think and what you do are aligned, you are being Yoga
When you pay attention to how much to say (mitam), how to say (priyam) and if it is important to say (hitam) - you are being Yoga.
To Sum up....
Yoga is union, oneness or none-ness
Dissolution or evolution
Is it me being one or me being none
It is emptiness or a kind of fulness
Is it fluid or is it permanent (state)
For me it is filled with emptiness
It is evolution into involution
It is neither this nor that
It is all and nothing at once
It is still as well as thrill
It is a song as well as its silence
It is the strength as well as surrender
The doing as well as the letting go
It is light and it's reflection too
It is me as well as you
Filled with emptiness
And emptied of fulness!
Are you living your Yoga or doing your Yoga?
I wish we all live the state of Yoga, I wish that we speak what we know based on experience.
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