For your soul

Guided Relaxation

Amidst the chaos, sometimes it is difficult to listen to our own heartbeat, notice the wonder of first rays of sunshine touching our face, or marvel at the continuity of breath. All of this requires slowing down and peace of mind. This relaxation offers us exactly that.

Microdosing on hope

Today, I am looking at the trees outside the window, some that stand bare and some that are still in the process of shedding every single last leaf, to eventually stand bare, dry, and seemingly hopeless, yet tall and ready to spring back in action when it is time.

The Yoga of Hope

Hope is that which cannot be lost, taken away, or destroyed. It must live in the hearts of one and all.

Decoding Japa, Mantra and Mala_Indu Arora

Decoding Japa, Mantra and Mala

Listen to my conversation on Living In Alignment Podcast with Amy Landry on Mantra, Japa and Mala.

Chakras - The Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast

Chakras are a part of yoga, but a lot of us in the yoga world are not familiar with it. We may feel uncomfortable discussing chakras or may have a very limited understanding. Join me and Shannon Crow to our conversation on Chakras

How do you namaste_Indu Arora

How Do You Namaste?

Did you know that Namaste Mudra has at least 5 variations?

5 Things We Got Wrong about Chakras

hint: It’s not just a wheel of colors...

How Curiosity Takes You Further Than Wisdom_Indu Arora

How Curiosity Takes You Further Than Wisdom

In conversation with Kino MacGregor, precious memories are shared about meeting her teachers for the first time.

Mauni Amavasya - The Annual Day of Silence_Indu Arora

Mauni Amavasya - The Annual Day of Silence

Mauni Amavasya is the annual day of silence. A day of speech fasting and silence feasting. Silence is observed at the level of speech, senses, gestures, and action. From the silence of the manas/mind, one gives birth to Swayambhu (one's own purified Self). This day symbolizes the quieting of the lowly desires and upholding of the dharma celebrated by Yogis/inis and Sadhakas. A very special day for mental and emotional purification.

The Story of Ultimate Elixir

Stories are not merely stories.

Packed inside an entertaining tale is both a direct message and an indirect one that requires reflection, self-inquiry, and churning. Here is one such legend from long, long, long ago known as amrita manthana (the churning of the nectar of the ocean) from the Ramayana:

The story of the ultimate Mantra_Indu Arora

The story of the ultimate Mantra

Gayatri Mantra is commonly sung in Kirtans, known as Japa Mantra, and often meditated upon. Have you ever wondered what is the story of this mantra?

What is S​havasana?

Imagine the opportunity to relax and release all the roles and responsibilities, thoughts, and distractions in your life while simultaneously strengthening your brain, body, and emotional resilience. Is it a trip to the Caribbean? A spa?

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Sankalpa - a promise to yourself

Sankalpa is a promise we make to ourselves every single day—to manifest our deepest resolve!

What brings you peace?

With so much unrest swirling in both the world and in our daily lives, it’s imperative that we remember how to connect with those things that bring a breath of relief to the mind, body, and spirit.

In challenging times_Indu Arora

In challenging times

In the moment, many taking their first breath, while others taking their last...

Kundalini Meditation album_Indu_Arora

Kundalini Meditation

2 exclusive guided meditation on Kundalini and breath

Shavasana_Indu Arora


Shavasana: A Subtle Practice with Powerful Meaning

Q and A Week 11_Indu Arora

Do you Namaste?

Who am I to tell you how to feel sacred, connect to people and greet others as long as you remember its roots and purpose. However, You can be a true practitioner without using this phrase!

Consciousness 101_Indu Arora

Consciousness 101

What is Kundalini? What are some basic practices for awakening to our consciousness?

This interview was part of the Awakening Your Kundalini Summit—a free online event featuring many of today's teachers and experts sharing leading-edge practices and tools to ignite deeper levels of healing, spiritual awareness, and energy mastery. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.

Q and A Week 10_Indu Arora

Q and A of the week - No.10

What is the purpose of Yoga?

Yoga is the purpose of Yoga. There is no separation between the various Yogas like Karma, Bhakta, Raja and Jnana Yoga.

Maha Shiva Ratri_Indu Arora

Night of Consciousness - Maha Shiva Ratri

5 Simple practices for the Maha Shiva Ratri

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Celebrate Wisdom

Basant Panchami is an annual celebration of wisdom, life, spring and Goddess Sarasawati. Read about the rituals, practices and mantra associated with it.

Q and A Week 7_Indu Arora

Q and A of the week - No.7

8 tips for a deeper shavasana

What is Yoga_Indu Arora


The answer to the question 'What is yoga?' is not limited to one person, one text or one single interpretation. It is as many meanings as many people are asked this question. It is the most widely understood as well as misunderstood word in Sanskrit.

Mantras and Gayatri Mantra album_Indu Arora

Mantras and Gayatri Mantra

I am excited to share about the release of two albums: Mantras and Gayatri Mantra!

Q and A Week 3_Indu Arora

Q and A of the week - No.3

Gayatri Mantra and Mudras

Guru Purnima_Indu Arora

Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima - the day to express the sentiment of gratitude, gratefulness, love and thankfulness for the Guru! Guru, who is the embodiment of light, wisdom and mantras!

May the Guru tattva shine like the rays of moon and drip as the soma drops into the heart!

Enjoy this chant of Guru Mantra!

Myths and Truths of Malas_Indu Arora

Malas: Myth and Truth

Are all Malas the same? Is there a difference between a mala used for chanting versus simply wearing?

What does namaste mean_Indu Arora

What does Namaste mean?

The Namaste Mudra is practiced by joining of the masculine and feminine energies, bringing the right and left sides together.

Meditation Mat_Indu Arora

Do you need a mat to meditate?

Long before I learnt Yoga asanas and kriyas, I learnt from my parents the importance and sacrednes of having a meditation mat (dhyana asana).The concept of asana as a physical position has been over explored along with having an appropriate Yoga mat, however the concept of having a mediation mat for mediation is mostly ignored.

Nava-Ratri_Indu Arora

Nine Nights, Goddess, relevations

In vedic texts, the feminine is celebrated in many divine forms and one of them is Durga. "Drug" means a state which is impossible to transcend, accomplish ir win over. Durga as a Goddess is the energy that has accomplished the impossible and the impossibility.Both "Durg" as well as "Durga" resides within each one of us.

How to lead a yoga class_Indu Arora

How to lead a Yoga class?

Yoga is not something that one can be instructed into. It is a state that one may reach with inspiration, insight, dedication, consistency, guidance and purity of heart. Most of the Yoga classes are instruction classes, geared towards pushing, work-out, sweating, achieving, doing, shaping up etc.

One Love_Indu Arora

One Love

The approach of Valentine's day made me contemplate on what love really is. I keep coming back to the answer: Love Is

What is Yoga Nidra?

Most of the time our association with Yoga Nidra is relaxation. What creates the difference is the intention!

Listen and get a glimpse of what Yoga Nidra really is.

Want to know more about Yoga Nidra? Join me Yoga Nidra Training, Starting February 6, 2025.

✅ CEU's from Yoga Alliance and IAYT

✅ Attend Livestream/Watch Replay

✅ Apply for Partial Scholarships and Installment Payment

✅ 50% off for Repeat Participants and Indian Residents

Dharma_Indu Arora


There is a lot of buzz about this word and a lot of people are trying hard to find their Dharma.

Vedic prayer to ancestors_Indu Arora

How to do a Vedic prayer to Ancestors

What is Pitra divas/ Pitru paksha/ Malaya Shraadh: 15 days dedicated to pay respect and homage to the ancestors. Pitru means the ancestors and divas is days.

Ganesha as Prana

There is more to Ganehsa than just being an elephant headed God.

Ganesha is symbolic of the 10 pranas within our body. He is the pranamaya kosha.

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Ayurveda or Yoga?

How much Ayurveda should I learn as a Yoga teacher?

It is not the question of quantity, subject and requirement. Think of it as if you are asking which eye should I see from. You need both!! Yoga and Ayurveda are inseparable. Ayurvedic wisdom was revealed to the Rishis (seers) in deep meditative state. Both Yoga and Ayurveda have the same goal- to remove suffering and union with the Self.

Yoga Training_Indu Arora

What does it mean to sign up for a yoga training

It means to wake up to ourSelf. It means to stop blaming. It means to take responsibility. It means to recognize, face, accept and transform our weaknesses.