How do you namaste_Indu Arora

For your soul

How Do You Namaste?

3 minutes 6/1/24

Namaste is a word, a gesture, a greeting, an invocation, and a Mudra. Did you know that Namaste Mudra has at least 5 variations?

  • Namaste at Heart: Gratitude or greeting another person/group/ When the Namaskara Mudra is kept close to the heart it symbolizes a greeting to the fellow seeker, family member, community member.
  • Namaste at Throat: Gratitude for and invocation of vac shakti (insightful and impactful speech).
  • Namaste under the Nasal Floor: To invoke your own prana shakti (power of prana)/// Showing gratitude to the cosmic prana and invocation of the microcosmic prana.
  • Namaste on the Forehead: As an offering of the individuated mind, ego and limited knowledge/to surrender to the limited buddhi and manas shakti (insight and intellect) to teachers/mentors/guides/Gurus.
  • Namaste over Head: Gratitude toward nature and divine beings. / Offering salutations to the cosmic natural forces like the Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Earth.
  • Resting Namaskar Hands over the Head: Offering respect and gratitude to the realized beings

When hands are held in Namaste, one must keep the fingers together. Why? The whole idea behind Namaste is unity and oneness. When we separate the fingers, it signals separation and individuation. In addition, since it is a gesture of gratitude, humbleness, and an offering, it goes without saying to keep the finger joints relaxed. The rigidity symbolizes an egocentric approach.

There are 5 marma points in the web of the fingers (called Kshipra marma, which means “quick release of energy”) that guide the energy toward the central marma in the center of the palm (called Talahridya marma, which means “heart of the palm”) which in turn directs the prana into the heart (hridya marma). Now the Namaste is complete as a Mudra.

My head bows in namaste to wisdom, the wise ones, those who act gracefully in challenging situations, those who chose the difficult, yet the righteous path, who invest in self-growth, who try no matter what, who are sincere in their pursuit, who show true valor in speaking their truth, the ones who share from experience and not just fear, belief, or texts, and to those who are genuinely humble.
To them, I offer Namaste

Want to learn more about Mudras?

Explore history, philosophy, and technique in Mudra: The Sacred Secret.

Listen to my recent interview on the Let's Talk Yoga podcast


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