You, too, can have the power of Interoception!
How are you feeling? I mean, really? Are you in touch with the sensations that change from moment to moment?
3 minutes
Query today: In chakra Meditation you led us in the visualization of different colors then I am used to, for example it was yellow for Muladahara instead of red. Why is that and what was the purpose? There are so many different types of chakra meditations, how to choose? Why are they so different?
1) Chakra colors are based on mandala and not elements/tattvas. For the sake of simplicity chakras are related with the element colors but elements are simply one the aspects of Chakras and not chakra itself. The inherent vibration of a chakra is based on mandala/ its sacred geometry
2) Chakra sadhana is a part of Laya Yoga. Laya means total dissolution and absorption into that. Here "that" means a specific frequency, wave of field of energy. When we do dharana of Chakras, the chitta (mind field) slowly becomes/transforms and calibrates to the frequency of the chakra and therefore with concentration becomes "that". Which is when the mind become the chitta (mano laya) and the chitta becomes the chakra (chitta laya) and the chakra vibration (of the highest chakra- Sahasrara) becomes the consciousness (laya yoga)
3) In order for our mind field to attune with the chakra mind field, it is important to choose the subtlest aspect of chakra which is nada/beeja mantra/sound. Every sound when it reaches a certain octave becomes syllable form, the geometric pattern and the color of that field of energy. For example in Muladhara chakra the sound "lung/lam" becomes ( लं ), square at the mandala level and triangle at yantra level, yellow at the frequency level
4) The chakra fields range from subtlest to grossest within a chaka from outside to within. For example Muladhara chakra's gossest manifestation in physical body is organ of action - excretory organs/anus with the function to excrete with the help of apana vayu and organ of sense- nostril with the function to smell at subtle level. However in subtle body, the chakras manifest as tanmatras, bhutas manas, mandala and yantra. Understand this hierarchy
5) Chakras are not fancy or interesting or mystical, they are facts. We simply need to sharpen our instruments with which we perceive them and we have to stop fancying them as mystical things
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Bringing Clarity to Chakras Like Never Before on Let's Talk Yoga Podcast. Here
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How are you feeling? I mean, really? Are you in touch with the sensations that change from moment to moment?
What’s a 4-letter word for “comfortable, warm, contented?”
Cozy? Sure, we’ll accept that…but there’s something bigger, more powerful….
What is Kundalini? What are some basic practices for awakening to our consciousness?
This interview was part of the Awakening Your Kundalini Summit—a free online event featuring many of today's teachers and experts sharing leading-edge practices and tools to ignite deeper levels of healing, spiritual awareness, and energy mastery. For more information, please visit https://