For your mind

Guidance for Mudra Practice

2 minutes 6/1/24


Prepare the hands for practice with oil application, massage with marma stick, and joint-freeing exercises for fingers, knuckles and wrist. This is really helpful if you tend to feel stiffness, dullness, and achiness in your hands, wrist, and fingers. It is excellent for vata-kapha pacification.


Practice the chosen hand Mudra three times a day, holding it for a minimum of 2 minutes.


Observe the changes in your body, breath, and mind during the Mudra practice. If you experience any of the signs below, release the Mudra and choose a different one.

Signs of dosha vitiation:

  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • excess heat
  • headaches
  • heartburn
  • overall unpleasantness

Refer to the book Mudra: The Sacred Secret for more details on how to choose a Mudra in case of specific dosha and bodily conditions.

Refer to the book Yoga Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision for special practices for hands as preparation before Mudra practice.

Want to learn more about Mudras?

Explore history, philosophy, and technique in Mudra: The Sacred Secret.

Listen to my recent interview on the Let's Talk Yoga podcast


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