Mantras and Gayatri Mantra
I am excited to share about the release of two albums: Mantras and Gayatri Mantra!
SOMA - 100 Heritage Recipes for Self-Care - Look Inside
Click here for sweet taste of SOMA, my hot-off-the virtual presses e-book! I welcome you to explore this excerpt, a peek inside my world and inside this lovingly created collection of heritage recipes for your body, mind, and spirit. I hope you enjoy reading it (and living it) as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you.
Get the eBook here
Turmeric It Is!
"Just go and apply haldi/ turmeric!" - my mother often said when there was a cut, injury, pain or ache.
We all have heard about turmeric and its healing properties. What was known to Indian cuisine as a culinary and medicinal secret is now known to the world.