5 Days of Delight - Deepawali
Deepawali marks the establishment of dharma that allows the awakening of our highest potential. The festival lasts for 5 days where each day has a special symbolic meaning and rituals associated with it.
Listen to the awakening chants of "Om Namaha Shivaya" in Indu Arora's voice. Read about the importance and special practices to celebrate Maha Shiva Ratri here.
Deepawali marks the establishment of dharma that allows the awakening of our highest potential. The festival lasts for 5 days where each day has a special symbolic meaning and rituals associated with it.
What are the practices that lead to deeper states of mind, to higher states of consciousness?
These practices are the heart of Yoga and lead us to the state of Yoga itself.
What’s a 4-letter word for “comfortable, warm, contented?”
Cozy? Sure, we’ll accept that…but there’s something bigger, more powerful….