Born into and brought up in a joint family (with extended family), I had the privilege and honor of living with my grandmother. Yogis Glow is a result of her wise voice and presence in my life. I remember as a child, my grandmother walking toward me brandishing a bowl of this nourishing mixture in a soothing base of yogurt (she loved using yogurt as a carrier). Applying it to my face with her soft, gentle, motherly hands, she cooed, “You will glow like the Moon, Indu.” She nourished my heart with love and my skin with Yogis Glow. May Yogis Glow kindle radiance in you as it did in me and my grandmother. I offer Yogis Glow as a tribute—to my grandmother—and her grandmother—and the cosmic mother who nourishes us all.
May the beauty we see outside awaken the beauty we are within.