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Yoga is Work-In Mug

Made to perfection.

Let’s cheer together for all that goes into keeping Yoga in Yoga.

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Bonus: Comes with a recipe card for my favorite Chai!

  • - 11 oz capacity, the perfect size for a chai/coffee/hot beverage
  • - FDA-certified printing with exceptionally high-quality coating for bright colors and durability. Dishwasher and Microwave safe, hand wash recommended.
  • - Bright white ceramic.
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Story behind yoga is work-in mug

Emblazoned with the philosophy that I hold close to my heart, “Yoga is Work-In, Not Work-out!” this Mug is designed to remind the sincere seeker of the core values of Yoga—inquiry, insight, and ingrain. .

san gacchadhvam samvadadhvam sam vo manamsi janatam |

deva bhagam yatha purve sanjanana upasate || (Riv Veda X.191)

Let us move together, let us radiate the same thought-wave, let us come to know our minds together,
Let us share our wealth without differentiation, like sages of the past, so that all may enjoy the universe.
Let our aspirations be united, let our hearts be inseparable,
Let our minds be as one mind, so that we live in harmony and become one with the Supreme.

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