Marma Stick

Massage tool

Massage the palms and foot soles every night for 3-5 minutes.

Trigger Point Therapy | Wood

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Marmas are like pranic switches on the physical body which connect to the dosha, gunas and chakras. Marma Stick is used to activate a composite of such point in palms and foot soles and also to trigger individual points on arms and legs. Massage the palms and foot soles every night for 3-5 minutes.

Hands and feet are rich in nerve endings, reflexology zones and marma points. When we massage the marma stick on hand it helps

  • In easing tiredness of the achy joints
  • It helps boost circulation to the fingertips and toe tips. This further helps those who experience cold hands and feet or poor circulation in limbs
  • In the age of texting and palm size smart devices or if you are knitter, writer, painter or someone who does a lot of fine motor movements with hands, you know we often end up overworking our hands. It puts excessive pressure on the thumb, finger joints and wrist. Marma stick helps as an erasing tool for that tension built up as repetitive stress injury
  • Excellent for those who experience stiffness in the hands and feet due to early stages of arthritis. It helps bring warmth, boost circulation and ease tension
  • Those who have or continue to experience restless legs before bed you know how annoying it gets. By massaging the foot soles with marma stick we help release some of that tension.
  • Pacifices vata and kapha from the feet and hands

5 easy steps to use Marma stick on Hands

  1. Apply 2-3 drops of sesame oil / almond oil or your favorite moisturizer on your palms
  2. Rub the marma stick between the palms and keep rolling it up and down and move between wrist and finger tips. Do this for 2-3 minutes
  3. Pay attention to where you feel dull, heavy and achy, increase the pressure and pace in this region.
  4. Pay attention to where you feel sensitive, painful and intense, ease out the pressure and pace in this region.
  5. Continue till you feel comfortable warmth in the hands

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Story behind marma stick

I was always a very fast writer. I could write almost as fast as I could think (at least I liked to think so). However, that was never easy on my fingers and hands. It used to hurt and feel stiff, like writer’s cramp/carpal spasms. I was introduced to marma at the age of 16 and that led to freedom from pain and suffering. I just wish it had been sooner that I met my first marma teacher and got my first marma stick. What seems like just a wooden stick with some spikes and spirals has relieved the stiffness from my finger joints and wrists and continues to do so. I also use it on my feet. It has especially helped to relieve the heaviness and restlessness that come with long flights, drives, and walks. Use it to know it!

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