
29 March 2019 - Moksha Yoga, Phoenix, AZ
Mudras, Nava Rasa and Shavasana
Join this weekend training on Mudras, Nava Rasa and Shavasana to understand and re-calibrate the pranic pathways and pranic forces
March 29-31, 2019
Register here
Join this weekend training on Mudras, Nava Rasa and Shavasana to understand and re-calibrate the pranic pathways and pranic forces. A human being is a called a Prani in vedic language and this prana is filled with rasa. We continue to scatter our mind, senses and emotions thus diluting our potential. Learn how to bring the 12 pranas and the 72,000-pranic channels together into a pranic field of mind and experience the deepest rest, rejuvenation and healing.
Day 1 - Mudra Vigyan- Introduction to hand mudras
Mudras have been kept as a sacred secret for ages. It is time to explore subtle ways of healing and integrating all possible tools we can to clear pranic pathways, trigger the innate intelligence and allow one to be established in Self. Mudra therapy is primarily rooted in sankhya darshana and marma.
- What is a Mudra
- Psychology of Mudras
- Hand and Brain connection
- Gyana Mudra and Sankhya Darshan
- Practice: Mudras of Five Pranas
- Guidelines for the practice of Mudras
Day 2 - Rasa Sadhana - Yoga of Nine Emotions
Rasa is a kind of energy that is partly physical and partly mental. The practice of emotional cleansing is called Rasa Sadhana. It offers us an alternative healing path and can be combined with any lineage, culture or tradition. We as human beings experience eight emotions, which are four pairs of opposites, and the way to transcend this duality is to merge into the ninth emotion called shanti or peace on a constant and consistent basis.
Explore the nine emotions of peace, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, love, joy, wonder and courage and how to purify the emotions using Yogic practices.
- What are the ninr emotions
- What is Rasa Sadhana
- Nine Emotions, five elements and six tastes
- How to combine Rasa Sadhana through asana, pranayama and mantra chanting
Day 3 - Shavasana- The Vast Ocean of rest
Ayurveda says that there are three pillars of health, diet, moderation in sensual pleasures and sleep (as deep rest). In the present times, when there are abundant stimuli, shav-asana is the practice of pratyahara (sensory re-direction), a practice to retain the ojas, and to re-direct the energy within. It is a precise, conscious and step-by-step approach in-order to prepare the body and mind for higher states of awareness.
- What is Shav-asana
- Breath during Shav-asana
- The brain on Shav-asana
- Three methods of Shav-asana (theory and practice)
- Shav-asana as a preparation for Yoga Nidra
Tools needed: Marma stick, Mudra book (Mudra: The Sacred Secret)
$250 for whole weekend
$50 for Friday
$115 for Saturday or Sunday
$220 for Saturday + Sunday
RYT‘s through YA eligible for CEUs through this course
Register here
Date&Time: March 29-31, 2019 (Fri 4 to 7:30 pm, Sat and Sun 9 am to 5 pm)