location_onIn person 15 April 2023 - The Yoga Room, Eau Claire, WI

Marma Points, Yoga Sutras and AUM workshop

Calling all Yoga Lovers...Enjoy all 4 sessions or book the ones that you can

April 15 -16, 2023


Marma points in Yoga - Saturday, April 15, 9am-12pm

Marma points are the bridge between the subtle and the physical body. By studying Marma we realize the three divine wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra within our body. The practice of asana, pranayama and relaxation becomes a thousand times more powerful when combined with the knowledge and awareness of main marmani (marma points) in the body. In Ayurveda, they are considered as the meeting point and the birthplace of the three doshas. When the practice of asana is done with focus on marma points, the pranic channels open up, facilitating the flow of prana in the entire body. The study of marma is essential for an aspiring Yogin, Yoga Therapist, and Ayurvedic practitioner to deepen their understanding of the very subject and bring insight and depth to their own practice. In this workshop the time spent together will be divided in practice, discussion and Q and A to serve the attendees.


  • Meaning of marma
  • Types of Marma
  • Examples of Marma Points in Yoga practice: asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra, shavasana
  • Marma point in the practice of Surya Namaskara (detail)
  • How to work on marma points: using Marma stick and Marma Herbal Paste
  • Q and A

Tools needed: YOGA Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision

Tools suggested to do the Practice: Marma Stick, Yogis Glow Herbal Powder for Marma Points

5 Essential Yoga Sutras - Saturday, April 15, 2-5pm

Studying Yoga Sutras can deeply transform and inform the personal practice. Wisdom is not gained in memorizing, reading translations, singing, or listening to the Yoga Sutras, although each one of the aforesaid is beneficial and adds to the full picture. The goal must be to pick up a sutra and find every single possibility to live it and live by.

In this workshop, we will focus on the detailed understanding of 5 essential sutras which can become the stepping stones to the understanding framework of Yoga for a beginner, seeker and a trainee.

Tools needed in the class: YOGA Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision

Yogic Cleanse- Prepare for Asana - Sunday, April 16, 9am-12pm

We jump to conclusions, advanced techniques and practices. Preparation is the key to a Yogic journey that could be challenging, surely transformational and always new!

Patanjali Yoga Sutras lay emphasis on Saucha- Cleansing before it talks about asana and any advanced Yogic practices.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita state the six purification practices (shat kriyas) aka Yogic cleanses for the pacification of doshas in7 tissues) and tissue channels, which should be practiced by a sadhaka before attempting asanas and other subtle/advanced yoga practices.

Yet, Shat Kriyas are mostly skipped, often misunderstood, or even practiced without knowing how to adjust according to your constitution, season and time of the day.

This workshop is a key step towards building such awareness, choosing with discernment and to move gracefully on the path of Yoga.

Clean up your act- if you won't, who else will!


• What are Yogic Cleanses/ Shat Kriyas

• Textual Reference and benefits

• Types and modifications

• Connection with Ayurveda

• Guidelines for practice

• The Practice of main shat Kriyas

Tools needed in the class: YOGA Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision

Tools needed to do the Practice: Neti Pot, Tongue Scraper Bundle

Power of Aum: Philosophy and Practice - Sunday, April 16, 2 - 5pm

The mantra OM literally encompasses the meaning of life. Often known as pranava, it is the beginning of all mantras and a must know for all Yoga practitioners. Why is it chanted in the beginning, and why is it changed three times? Are there variations for chanting OM? Is it a mantra or a sound? Is it OM, AUM or Aung? Get the answers to questions like this and many more, based on Mandukya Upanishad.

Get your OM together!


  • Meaning of OM
  • OM and three states
  • Why OM
  • OM from Mandukya Upanishad
  • Tantrika Version of OM
  • Practice of chanting OM

Tools needed in the class: YOGA Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision

Tools suggested to do the Practice: Mantra Album by Indu Arora

Required texts and material