
5 April 2024 - Livestream
Marma Points in Yoga
Decode Yoga Practices with Ayurvedic Wisdom
Marma Points create a sacred matrix in the human body revolving around 108 points of lights. Give a new life to your practice by seeing it in the context of Ayurveda and Tantra. This 5 Days training will infuse your practice with life, healing and empowerment. CEU's from YA, IAYT, NAMA
April 5 - 7, 26 - 28, 2024
Dates: April 5 - 7, 26 - 28, 2024
Times: Friday: 5 pm - 8 pm (CT), Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 6pm (CT), with 1.5-hour lunch break
Attend Livestream or Watch Replay.
The study of these points, regions, and locations is essential for an aspiring Yogi, Yoga Therapist, or Yoga practitioner to understand the application of asana, Pranayama, mantra, and mudra for balancing doshas, to maintain health, as well as to lead a safe and accessible Yoga class in a group or in private settings.
Understand how prana (life force), tejas (internal fire), and ojas (deep vitality) can be cultivated to regulate and support agni (digestive fire) for optimal health through the knowledge and application of 108 marmani.
15 practice sessions over 6 days, detailed handouts, several Q & A opportunities, and video replay (30 days) allow the registered participant opportunity for qualitative assimilation of teachings.
Marma Points in Yoga Weekend 1: The Physical (April 5 - 7, 2024)
April 5, Day 1: Introduction to Marmas: Definition, History, and science
On the first day of the workshop, we deconstruct Marma points: their meaning, history, and where we find references to them in shastra (Vedic texts). We will identify the broader categories of marmani and will understand how these vital points fit into practice. Other topics include:
- Why Study Marma in Yoga and Ayurveda
- Types of Marma as per impact, location, and essence
- Marma Self-Care in Evening Routine: Marma Stick
April 6, Day 2: Marma Points in Shat Kriyas
On Day two, we explore the meanings and types of cleansing practices known as Shat Kriyas and the application of the knowledge of marma points in Yoga and Ayurveda. We will understand the relationship between Shat Kriyas, Natural Urges, and Apana Vayu and will explore this connection through practices and identification of marmani, including:- Main Marma points in Kapalbhatti, Agnisara, Nauli
- Main Marma Points in Trataka, Nadi Shodhana and Basti
- How to pacify dosha with Shat Kriyas
- BONUS: Marma Self Care: Oil application on 10 marma points in head region
April 7, Day 3: Study of Marma Points in Asanas
Asana is in the spotlight on Day three where we consider what we’ve learned so far in the context of Asana. We discuss the meaning of asana, the Six Steps to Asana, Asana Practice and Five Pranas, and we explore marma points through several asanas and in various practices, such as:- Marma in Seated Pose: Paschimottan Asana, Nauka Asana, Gomukha Asana
- Marma in Supine Pose: Pawanmukta Asana, Setubandha Asana
- Marma in Prone Pose: Bhujanga Asana, Shalabha Asana
- Marma Points in Sarvanga Asana
- Marma Points in Standing Pose: Trikona Asana, Tada Asana
- Five Prana centering with marma meditation
Marma Points in Yoga Weekend 2: The Subtle (April 26 - 28, 2024)
Times: Friday: 5 pm - 8 pm (CT), Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 6pm (CT), with 1.5-hour lunch break
April 26, Day 4: Introduction to Marma Points in Practice: The Subtle
After some weeks of integration of the material, we come back together, this time with a focus on the subtle body. We explore what the subtle body is as it pertains to Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra, the Role of Marma Points in Subtle Body Yoga, and how the subtle body relates to Samkhya Darshan. We clear any confusion with Q&A each day and let the learning sink in through practices and journaling. Other topics for the day include:
- Types of Sukshma Kriyas
- Three Marma Regions and Six Marma Zones
April 27, Day 5: Marma Points in Pranayama and Mantra
On Day five, now with some understanding and confidence in what we’ve learned, we look at the application of knowledge of marma in Pranayama. We will consider Yantra of a Marma Point, 12 Pranas in Yoga and the connection to Marma, and will explore Mantra Purusha Practice with Marma Points as well as practices and discussion including: On Day five, now with some understanding and confidence in what we’ve learned, we look at the application of knowledge of marma in Pranayama. We will consider Yantra of a Marma Point, 12 Pranas in Yoga and the connection to Marma, and will explore Mantra Purusha Practice with Marma Points as well as practices and discussion including:
- Marma Points in Anuloma Viloma
- Marma Points in Shitali, Bhramari, and Kaki Pranayama
- Marma Points in Surya Bhedana and Chandra Bhedana
- Marma Self Care: Nasya and Karna Purana
April 28, Day 6: Marma Points in Shavasana, Meditation, and Self Care
Marma points have an important role in relaxation. Our final day will explore marma points in relaxation, including 61 Marma Point Relaxation, Marma Points in Shavasana, Marma Points in Sensory Withdrawal, as well as final Q&A and wrap-up of our time together. As always, practices will help us internalize our learning and truly make it our own. Final topics will also include:- Meditation Posture and Marma Points
- BONUS: Tri-Dosha Balance using herbal paste on marma points
- Summarization of the Training
Course Objectives and Takeaways:
- To study the meaning of Marma Points
- To understand the history and textual Reference of Marma Points
- The purpose of studying Marma in Yoga and Ayurveda
- To learn about the types of Marma as per impact, location, and essence
- How to practice Marma Self-Care in Morning and Evening Routine
- Learn about main Marma points in six cleaning kriyas in Yoga
- Learn the practice of Marma Self Care: Oil application on 10 marma points in head region
- Learn and practice Marma Points in Nine Asanas
- Five Prana centering with marma meditation
- Learn about the role of Marma Points in Subtle Body Yoga
- Identify three Marma Regions and six Marma Zones
- Learn about the Yantra of a Marma Point
- How to invoke Mantra Purusha with Marma Points
- Learn to practice 6 main Pranayama with Marma Points
- Learn about the role of Marma Points in Shavasana
- Meditation Posture and Marma Points
- Practice of Tri-Dosha Balance using herbal paste on marma points
- Cautions for self-practice and in guiding others
- How to choose a practice that is right for you
- To empower the Yoga student, Yoga Teacher, and Yoga Therapist with Marma wisdom, to do/lead the practice with confidence, clarity, and awareness.
- Walk away with tangible, doable, supportive Yoga practices of asana, pranayama, mantra, kriyas, asanas, relaxation, and meditation to connect with marma points
- 50-Hour training certificate from Yogsadhna/Indu Arora upon successful completion
- In-depth knowledge and experience on Marma points
Dates: April 5 - 7, 26 - 28, 2024
Times: Friday: 5 pm - 8 pm (CT), Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 6pm (CT), with 1.5-hour lunch break
$1,008 (regular, after March 5, 2024)
$900 (Early bird, before March 5, 2024)
Please read our Cancellation Policy below before registering.
Prerequisites (any one of the following):
- Current student in a Yoga teacher training program
- Completed a Yoga teacher training program
- 3 years of Yoga practice
Payment Plan*: For INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN, email us
PS: Apply for Partial Scholarship, Indian Resident Discount, Repeat Student Discount by sending an email here
Audio & Video Recordings: Cost includes access to the video recordings of the training for 1 month once the training is complete. The audio recording will be available for purchase for registered and fully paid participant
Upon successful completion of the workshop participants will receive 50-hour training certificate from Yogsadhna/Indu Arora.
CEU's from Yoga Alliance, NAMA and 35 from IAYT for Registered Yoga teachers (YA), Registered Yoga Therapists (IAYT), and Registered Ayurveda practitioners (NAMA)
Required Books:
- Yoga: Ancient Heritage, Tomorrow’s Vision by Indu Arora
- SOMA 100 Heritage Recipes for Self-Care by Indu Arora
- Ayurveda and Marma Therapy: David Frawley and Avinash Lele
Required Tools:
- Marma Stick
- Yogis Glow Powder
- Cold Pressed Sesame Oil
- Rose Water (without essential oil/alcohol)
Recommended Books
- Mudra The Sacred Secret by Indu Arora
Recommended Tools
- Dosha Wraps and Malas by Indu Arora
- “No shows” will receive no refund and forfeit full payment
- Fees, once paid (in partial or full), can neither be refunded nor transferred
- No verbal commitments will hold your spot
Cancellation and refund policy: No refunds
PS: Apply for Partial Scholarship, Indian Resident Discount, Repeat Student Discount by sending an email here
1. Are there any prerequisites for this training?
Any one of the following:
- Current student in a Yoga teacher training program
- Completed a Yoga teacher training program
- Regular Yoga practice
A seeking heart is the most important requirement. Come and fill your cup.
2. Who is this training for?
This course is for anyone seeking insight into yoga practices though the lens of Ayurveda to balance doshas and maintain health. It will benefit anyone from a yoga seeker, yoga teacher, yoga therapist, Ayurveda counselor, energy healer, or curious learner.
3. Is this course suitable for all levels of physical ability?
Yes, most of the practices are simple to do and do not require extreme physical flexibility, strength, or even a large amount of time. This course is designed for current times where time is of the essence and accessibility is a must. Apart from this, the participant will learn a variety of techniques and have access to diverse tools. This is to make sure that we start from where we are comfortable and ready. The trainer’s philosophy is “The participant is welcome at their own pace.”
4. Is it a specific style of Yoga that will be taught in the course?
Indu Arora, the trainer of the course, is equipped with the knowledge and practice of Kriya Yoga, Himalayan Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Bhakti Yoga, and Yoga Therapy. She combines the wisdom of all these streams in her trainings, workshops, and courses.
5. Will I be able to apply this information to my classes or sessions if I am a yoga teacher or yoga therapist?
Absolutely, you can. That is the goal—to learn, apply for self-practice, and share in this order. It is crucial and suggested that we first apply the teachings to understand and support our own growth and emotions. This allows us to share with integrity, truthfulness, and from a place of realization.
6. How much time do we dedicate to practice versus theory in this course?
Each day session will include 3 practice sessions. The morning session is typically 60 minutes, mid-day and afternoon sessions are about 30 minutes each. The remaining time is divided between theory and real-time Q and A.
7. Will this training accommodate different time zones?
We’ve selected times (central time zone) that will hopefully accommodate participants in various time zones, though it’s impossible to make the time ideal for everyone. If you are unable to attend the live sessions, you can watch each session’s video replay. It will be made available to the participants for 30 days’ time period once the course has ended.
8. Can I get contact continuing education hours if I’m a registered teacher with Yoga Alliance, IAYT and/ or NAMA?
Yes! Currently, Yoga Alliance, IAYT, and NAMA are accepting all continuing education completed online. This includes both contact and non-contact hours.
9. What tools will I need for attending this course?
Yoga mat, any props (as needed), journaling notebook, and meditation cushion. Check the required and recommended books in the course description section.
10. Will there be any handouts, reading material, resources included in the price of the course?
Participants will be provided with handouts/worksheets as a part of the course. Indu Arora will also guide the participant toward important resources for reading, watching, and listening.
11. Is there any test/assessment involved?
The worksheets may be provided to the participants as a guideline. There is no formal submission of assignments for the participants.
12. . is there any scholarships, payment plans or discounts that I can apply for?
Apply for Partial Scholarship, Installment Payment, Indian Resident Discount, Repeat Student Discount by sending an email here