
For your soul
Ayurveda or Yoga?
4 minutes
Query: How much Ayurveda should I learn as a Yoga teacher? Do I really need to learn it?
It is not the question of quantity, subject and requirement. Think of it as if you are asking which eye should I see from. You need both!! Yoga and Ayurveda are inseparable.
Ayurvedic wisdom was revealed to the Rishis (seers) in deep meditative and Yogic states. Both Yoga and Ayurveda have the same goal- to remove suffering and union with the Self (Yoga).
In order to accomplish health (by removal of suffering) and union with Self (Yoga and Moksha), both Ayurveda and Yoga are rooted in analyzing the following:
- Heya - Disease/suffering of worldly cycles
- Heyahetu - Cause of disease/ cause of painful karmic cycles
- Hana -The elimination of diseases/ liberation
- Hana-upaya - Means to eliminate disease/ means of liberation
Suffering/ disease or karmic cycles are not just related to the physical body only, both the philosophies address the mind, breath, atman, prakriti and purusha.
Based on Sankhya Darshan. Ayurveda brings the understanding from outside to within and Yoga brings the connection from within to outside.
- Body: If you start your journey with Ayurveda, you will have to end it with realization of Yoga. If you start the journey with Yoga, you will need the knowledge of Ayurveda to understand the body completely. The mystery of Sankhya can only be solved by the theoretical understanding from Ayurveda and practical steps of Yoga Sadhana.
- Prana: Ayurveda helps in understanding the concept of five Prana (five vital currents- prana, samana, apana, udana, and vyana) and Yoga helps in gathering and directing it for realization. Without the knowledge of five prana, their effect on physical and pranic body one cannot understand their value completely. On the other hand even if one understands their value and does not know how to calibrate them or access them, the knowledge becomes more of an overwhelm then a tool. In order for a Yogi to truly acknowledge the meaning and purpose of Pranayama and Shatkriyas like Nadi Shodhan and Anuloma Viloma, one needs to learn the prana in detail.
- Exercise or Herbs: It is time, those seeking Yoga should not underestimate the need for learning Ayurveda just for the sake of herbs and Ayurveda lovers do not take Yoga as just exercise. The purpose of learning Ayurveda is not for the sake of learning the name or purpose of few herbs as supplements, or learning a few new cooking tips, it is to understand the value of life, lifestyle and rhythms of nature. Let us not learn Ayuveda for just the sake of adding some sanskrit words to our vocabulary or to create boxes of vata, pitta and kapha for everything and everyone. In the same line, the purpose of Yoga is/was and never shall be just learning Asana as work-out, for being in shape or for treating a condition. The goal of Yoga is clear in the name itself: "Yoga" and the definition of Yoga is "Yogah Samadhi", so why do we stop at asanas?
- Supplement, compliment, substitute or alternate: Neither of it is a supplementary, complementary, substitute or alternative to each other and infact complete each other. They are not two different subjects. Wake up to this light.
- Macro and Micro: Ayurveda bring an understanding and harmony of the Self with macrocosm and Yoga brings the connection of self with Self (microcosm). Until and unless there are no gaps in your understand keep learning. The gaps are what create conflicts and confusion.
- This or That: Wisdom is not about this or that, neither it is about little bit of this and a lot of that. Wisdom is wholeness, it is a complete circle. It excludes none. It is not in dividing and isolation, it is in expansion. "yatha tatra tatha anyatra". As here, so everywhere.
vidyA dadAti vinayaM, vinayAdyAti pAtratAM |
pAtratvAddhanam Apnoti, dhanAddharmaM tataH sukhaM || 6 || Hitopadesha
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