Ganesha as Prana
There is more to Ganehsa than just being an elephant headed God.
Ganesha is symbolic of the 10 pranas within our body. He is the pranamaya kosha.
3 minutes
Asana is rooted in "asa" which means to take a seat, to become, to establish, to dissolve, to be grounded, to be firm, to be easy and to be comfortable.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra states, Asana is that which has two basic qualities: sthira (still, stable, rooted) and sukha (effortless, easy, comfortable). Once such a seat is established with absolute effortlessness, one must focus the mind to the infinite. This helps transcend the dualities that are experienced.
It is a seat for the mind in the body.
It is not a pose, performance or physical position. Let us understand its scope. The entire foundation of the state of Yoga is based on allowing the mind to take a seat.
11 steps to do the abhyasa (practice) of an asana so that one may become that which one is practicing.
Asana means to become that you which you are going to practice. It is not make believe, it is not mimicking, it is not performance, rigidity, adamancy, challenge or an accomplishment.
It is simply any body position in which mind takes a seat, expands and then is redirected towards a specific point which then triggers the extraction of the samskaras, vikrutis, vikalpas, negative thoughts and emotions held there. This helps in peeling the layer of blockages and enter into anandamaya kosha.
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There is more to Ganehsa than just being an elephant headed God.
Ganesha is symbolic of the 10 pranas within our body. He is the pranamaya kosha.
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