Q and A of the week - No.5
Missing link in the modern practice or understanding of Yoga?
3 minutes
Do you just pass out when it’s time for sleep? Are you physically exhausted or mentally drained before sleep? Are you suppressing and postponing sleep pressure? Do you wake up rested?
There are seven kinds of sleep, but they are not all equal! If after a night of sleep, you’re not feeling rested, it’s time to examine which type of sleep you’re getting. Read on!
Healthy nighttime sleep is considered a pillar of health, intake of lunar nectar, and that which keeps sickness at bay, improves immunity and lifespan, provides happiness, strength, and removes misery, ignorance, weakness. —Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana 21.36
If all of the above isn’t enough to validate the importance of sleep, also keep in mind that sleep is one of the non-suppressible urges in Ayurveda.
How often do you suppress, repress, postpone sleep? What is your kind of sleep from the list above?
My suggestion: PPP—->> Prioritize, Prescribe, and Practice Sleep! And do it starting tonight!
Missing link in the modern practice or understanding of Yoga?
Whether you’re seeking to enhance your daily wellness routine or deepen your understanding of rest, this episode on The Healing Catalyst podcast is packed with insights to help you rejuvenate and restore balance in your life.
It means to wake up to ourSelf. It means to stop blaming. It means to take responsibility. It means to recognize, face, accept and transform our weaknesses.